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5/4/2022 12:00
On-Demand Webinar

KM Strategies for the Digital Transformation Era


ON-DEMAND – 60 Mins

New technologies are providing the opportunity for enterprises to develop new business models and processes that change the old way of running operations and improve how customers are served. However, at the end of the day, digital transformation is about how you work with new tools and across teams. To work smarter and faster, you need knowledge management to ensure that information is not only easily accessible to foster greater productivity and collaboration but can be trusted to inform action.

Join LumApps, Access, and Sinequa to learn about:

  • The benefits and impact of a successful hybrid employee experience
  • How to create a successful hybrid employee experience
  • Why leveraging the latest cloud technologies for digital data and content is key
  • Learn the best practices for your digital transformation journey
  • The innovation imperative in knowledge-driven industries
  • How intelligent search paves the way for big ideas
Register now!

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KM Strategies for the Digital Transformation Era