Human Resources: Enhancing Onboarding with a Video Strategy

Since the health crisis linked to Covid-19, employees can feel disconnected from their company. While 85% of employees do not feel engaged (Gallup), human resources departments have had to rethink their methods in order to stick to the new challenges: improve employee engagement and thus contribute to a better employee experience.
In this context, the use of video content on its intranet, its Digital Workplace, its corporate social network or its employee experience platform, which are more engaging than long articles, PowerPoint presentations and other memos, has become a must for facilitate the assimilation of messages and other key information.
Video has the advantage of combining three learning modes (visual, audio and written), meaning that a user will retain 95% of the information transmitted in video, according to Insivia, against 10% of the same information transmitted in written format. No wonder Forrester Research estimates that one minute of video equals 1.8 million words!
A complex and high-stakes process
“The integration process remains relatively complex for companies. Newcomers who are able to familiarize themselves quickly with the corporate culture and work environment will be much more productive,” explains Deloitte . “And employers still have to deal with the costs of upskilling these new talents.”
Transmitting and adhering to the culture and values of the company is one of the key stages of onboarding.
Corporate culture is also a subject that has moved up the agenda of general management: in 2021, more than 67% of companies surveyed by PwC believe that corporate culture is an essential subject and is at the heart of all concerns. And for Deloitte, “employers must create lasting relationships with their employees around a common culture”, thus strengthening cohesion and the feeling of belonging to the company.
We immediately see the interest that video content accessible to new hires on the company intranet can have! Beyond the transmission of the history and the values of the company, of its raison d'être for the companies which are committed to this approach, the video, by capturing the attention of the collaborators, makes it possible to explain different departments and professions, to raise awareness of key tools and procedures (prevention of workplace accidents or cybersecurity risks), to familiarize employees with innovation or new design methods, etc. All in an attractive and dynamic,
and being able to be viewed at any time and several times if necessary.
These are all elements that contribute to the success of onboarding and the reduction of recruitment costs.
Manage your video heritage without technical expertise
To manage all of these videos for internal use, HR managers face many difficulties because they have to juggle multiple environments (for storage, access and distribution rights, etc.), some of which require specific technical skills.
Hence the interest for them to rely on a video management solution fully integrated into their internal platform with the following objectives:
- Ease of use to collect, organize, distribute and analyze video content for internal use (most of the time, to store video files of different formats, they go through Drives, USB keys, external hard drives, private parts of platforms YouTube or Vimeo; and they must master “embed links” to insert these videos into their internal communication platform).
- Flexibility, to enrich this content by using tags, descriptions, subtitles in the different languages of communication, chapters and other “call-to-action” type interactions, without forgetting to ensure that this video content is displayed in the search results from their platform and in the correct language of the employee.
- Security, to guarantee that these videos for internal use cannot be downloaded, viewed or shared outside the platform (which storage on private parts of YouTube and other Vimeo does not guarantee).
- Versatility, to make it possible to access these videos from employees' PCs or smartphones and in any context - limited network access, front-line workers who do not have a professional email account - without having to manage the problems of network bandwidth or access rights.
- Analysis, to measure the performance of video content, such as the engagement rate, the number of views or sharing by profiles, without being an expert in Google Analytics.
Rely on an integrated video management solution
This is what allows LumApps Play, the solution integrated into the LumApps Employee Experience platform.
It centralizes, classifies and archives all of a company's video content. Unlike videos hosted on private Youtube or Vimeo channels, LumApps Play encrypts videos, ensures secure hosting and viewing (videos are only accessible to employees, after authentication on the platform by single sign-on). It allows videos to be enriched (addition of chapters, management of subtitles in the different languages of the platform and interactions), to make them easier to consume and thus have maximum impact with employees.
Access to this video content is facilitated since it is automatically integrated into search results on the LumApps platform, alongside articles, posts and other relevant documents. Finally, LumApps Play provides HR teams with a set of graphic analysis reports on the audience of each video, allowing them to measure their impact and guide their content policy according to employee expectations and strategy. overall company.
In a period characterized by a “war for talent” and a search for productivity, improving employee engagement is a key objective for all companies. By optimizing the management of video content on the LumApps platform, LumApps Play allows HR teams to deliver messages with more impact and empower employees more quickly.