How to Build a More Innovative and Resilient Workplace Culture
Learn what leaders like you are doing to build more creative and solutions-oriented teams!
If you're looking for more confidence and competence among your team, this webinar is for you!
How to Build a More Innovative and Resilient Workplace Culture with expert, Karin Hurt, CEO of Lets Grow Leaders is an inside-look at how to identify the root causes of FOSU (fear of speaking up), the role it plays in yielding exceptional ideas from members of your team and what to do about it.
Key takeaways from this webinar replay include:
A researched-based understanding of what’s blocking everyday innovation in teams
Easy-to-use tools and techniques to empower solutions-thinking and customer-focused problem solving
Communication strategies to eliminate FOSU (Fear of Speaking Up) and encourage deeper dialogue up, down and sideways
Want to leverage technology, increase productivity and foster deeper collaboration?
Karin Hurt
CEO of Lets Grow Leaders