10 ways to get employees to use the intranet
In the modern workplace, employees are spread out across different schedules, time zones, and work settings. Companies need a way to bring these employees together. Many enterprise businesses are investing in a modern intranet to improve operations, increase productivity, and create a sense of community among employees.
This is not one of those “build it and they will come” scenarios (unless you’re very lucky). The real challenge lies in adoption – how to get your employees to embrace and use your new intranet.
In this article, we'll explore 10 strategies to get your team to not only use the intranet, but to love and depend on it, such as:
10 unique ways to get employees to use your company intranet
1. Create interest groups and virtual communities
Humans are inherently social beings, and the workplace is no exception. Create interest groups and virtual communities within your intranet to cater to diverse employee interests. Whether it's a book club, hobby group, or a professional network, fostering a sense of belonging will encourage employees to visit the intranet regularly. This not only promotes engagement but also builds a stronger company culture.
Our customers report that one of the most popular communities across all intranets is the pet zone! When you need a quick break from work, who doesn’t love to see a cute puppy or kitten?
3 types of communities to try:
- Social communities like “Best Places to Eat in the City” allow users to learn about their colleagues.
- Business communities (a community of practice) enables users to share knowledge and identify subject matter experts on various topics
- Hobby communities (like a “Gamers Community”) promote more organic connections and can impact business-centric engagement and collaboration in the long run.
2. Blind coffee date
One way to increase engagement and adoption is to host virtual events that can only be accessed via the intranet. For example, one LumApps customer uses their JJConnect intranet to connect coworkers for a “blind coffee date” which is one of their most popular features on the intranet.
Read the Jebsen & Jessen customer story about how events like the blind coffee date helped them reach an average 11 minute engagement rate.
3. Make Your Intranet the Single Source of Truth
Your intranet should be the go-to place for accurate and up-to-date information. Ensure that all essential resources, such as policies, procedures, and guidelines, are accessible through the intranet. When employees realize that they can rely on the intranet as the single source of truth, they'll naturally gravitate toward it for answers and guidance.
You can also create “quick links” in the main navigation so that most popular pieces of content (like sales enablement documents or vacation policies) are easy to find. Continually remind employees that they can find information on the intranet and it will become a more natural instinct to check it first.
Host these internal communications resources on your intranet to make it a single source of truth:
- Executive communications. This is a great email replacement use case.
- Employee-centric resources and information like benefits, open enrollment information and a list of holidays.
- Organizational news and announcements such as employee spotlights, new hire and promotion announcements and awards and recognition.
4. Create a Trading Post
Everyone loves the opportunity to share and exchange resources. You can create a safe “craigslist” of sorts where employees can swap tips, tricks, and useful materials related to their roles. Some ideas include sharing resource books or notes from a recent conference. This encourages knowledge sharing and helps employees see the intranet as a valuable resource for professional growth.
You can use the trading post to exchange and share goods, like a virtual garage sale.
Is an employee intranet worth it?
Download our free guide to understand today's modern intranet and how it can help your business succeed.
5. Allow Employees to Personalize Their Platform
Let employees customize their intranet experience, from setting preferences for the content they see, to choosing their own notifications. More personalization means employees will see the tool as a digital workplace where they want to hangout. Allow employees to modify their list of important business apps. Use groups and roles to target information, news, and resources to the most interested audiences.
You can make "sub sites" for the office or work location so people can easily connect with nearby coworkers.
6. Assign a Person in Charge
We always recommend that enterprise companies appoint a manager to oversee the intranet and its functionality. This is an important piece of intranet governance that helps the project run smoothly. When there is a "go-to" person assigned to the projects, often employees feel more comfortable using the platform.
This person can provide guidance, address concerns, and keep the intranet running smoothly. By hiring someone full-time to manage the intranet, your company demonstrates its commitment to the software program.
7. Announce Employee Celebrations and News
Don't let important milestones and achievements go unnoticed. Use your intranet as a platform to celebrate employee birthdays, work anniversaries, and team accomplishments. Highlighting these moments builds camaraderie and reminds employees that the intranet is not just a tool, but a community.
You can send virtual awards and recognitions through the intranet that are practically “free” and stick with the employee’s profile so other coworkers can see recent awards their colleagues have received. You can also allow employees to send virtual kudos to each other.
8. Two Truths and a Lie
Inject some fun by hosting virtual games and quizzes. "Two Truths and a Lie" is a great icebreaker. Employees can post two true facts about themselves and one fictional one. This not only encourages interaction but also helps colleagues get to know each other better, strengthening workplace relationships.
Take it a step further by doing a video interview with a different employee each week. For example, if the fun interview video is always posted on Tuesday mornings, employees will expect this routine and will come running to see the latest video.
How can an employee intranet help?
Download our free guide to understand how a modern intranet can decrease employee churn and help your business succeed.
9. New User Onboarding
Include intranet training as part of your onboarding process. When employees see the intranet as an integral part of their daily work life right from the start, they're more likely to continue using it.
Ask new employees to create an introduction blog post. This will become a popular feature where employees can comment back about things they have in comment.
This is an easy way to teach new employees how to use the software for content creation and collaboration from day one.
10. Lunch and Learns
Organize regular "Lunch and Learns" through the intranet, where employees can share their expertise on various topics. This not only enriches your team's knowledge base but also encourages participation and engagement on the platform. This is also a great way to include your remote work employees.
You can also use the video management function of your intranet software for virtual training.
It's not about enforcing a tool, it's about community
Getting employees to use your intranet is not just about enforcing a tool—it's about creating a community. By using these strategies, you can turn your intranet into a useful hub that your team will enjoy using.
Embrace engagement, personalization, and fun. Remember, the journey to intranet adoption is not a sprint; it's a marathon. Stay committed, adapt, and keep the intranet flame burning brightly in your workplace.
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